'Patriotic Demonstration' by Giacomo Balla" by umseas CC BY 2.0

Balla '12 Dorazio '60. Dove la luce

One of the most interesting exhibitions in Switzerland is now in Lugano: "Balla '12 Dorazio '60. Dove la luce".

Giacomo Balla and Pietro Dorazio, two great masters of 20th-century Italian art, inspired by Giuseppe Ungaretti's poem "Where the Light", explored the theme of light in 47 works displayed in the exhibition designed by the archistar Mario Botta at Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati.
The works were created in two different periods: Balla’s Iridescent Interpenetrations saw the light in 1912, while Piero Dorazio began producing his famous Weaves only in 1960. Despite the 50 years between these works, we are still fascinated and intrigued even today, having masterfully captured the phenomenon of light.

At the Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati until 14 January 2024.





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