Art news, features and events around the world

"Giacometti in his studio in Paris" Wikipedia Commons

"I Giacometti" Film

The film about the most famous of Swiss artists of the 20th Century is out in the cinemas now! Discover with MatchArt the Giacomettis in Zurich!

"I Giacometti" Film

The film about the most famous of Swiss artists of the 20th Century is out in the cinemas now! Discover with MatchArt the Giacomettis in Zurich!

'Patriotic Demonstration' by Giacomo Balla" by umseas CC BY 2.0

Balla '12 Dorazio '60. Dove la luce

Discover with MatchArt one of the most interesting exhibitions in Switzerland: "Balla '12 Dorazio '60. Dove la luce", at the Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati in Lugano.  

Balla '12 Dorazio '60. Dove la luce

Discover with MatchArt one of the most interesting exhibitions in Switzerland: "Balla '12 Dorazio '60. Dove la luce", at the Collezione Giancarlo e Danna Olgiati in Lugano.  

"Portrait of artist Damian Ortega" CC BY-SA 4.0.

Damián Ortega. Pico y elote

If you are planning to fly to Mexico, don't miss the first exhibition of the works of the Mexican contemporary artist Damián Ortega.

Damián Ortega. Pico y elote

If you are planning to fly to Mexico, don't miss the first exhibition of the works of the Mexican contemporary artist Damián Ortega.

"Portrait of Sebastião Salgado" licenced creative commons

Sebastião Salgado in Milan

Take a look to the Amazonia exhibition by Sebastiao Salgado at Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan!

Sebastião Salgado in Milan

Take a look to the Amazonia exhibition by Sebastiao Salgado at Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan!

"Women wearing a kimono in Kyoto Japan" CC BY-SA 2.0

Kimono Between Japan & the West

If you are a fashionista, you shoud do not miss this exhibition! Stylish kimonos are displayed at the Museo del Tessuto of Prato.

Kimono Between Japan & the West

If you are a fashionista, you shoud do not miss this exhibition! Stylish kimonos are displayed at the Museo del Tessuto of Prato.